A casino is a facility that offers gambling to its patrons. Typically, casinos also feature hotels, restaurants and other amenities. These facilities have evolved from slightly seedy places to well-rounded resorts that are a full part of the tourist experience and an integral part of any holiday.
History of the Casino
Gambling began in Europe in the 16th century when Italian aristocrats began holding private parties in places called ridotti [Source: Schwartz]. The popularity of these social gatherings led to the development of small clubs where a number of different games could be played under one roof.
Blackjack, roulette, baccarat and pai gow poker are the most popular card games in the world. These are played in most of the major casinos in the United States and Europe, as are poker variants such as Caribbean stud.
Security & Safety at the Casino
The presence of large amounts of money can encourage people to cheat, steal or scam their way into winning big. This is why most casinos focus on security. They have elaborate surveillance systems with cameras in the ceiling that watch every table and change windows, as well as monitors that record video feeds of suspicious individuals.
Most casino managers have a degree in a subject such as business, economics or hospitality management. This can help them understand the complex aspects of running a casino, including management and marketing.
Many countries around the world have casinos. The United States has the largest number of casinos, with more than 1,000 in operation. Interstate competition to attract visitors has helped drive this trend.